Blackjack Strategy
The concept of blackjack strategy is one that gets a little muddied sometimes. This is in part due to the fact that 'basic strategy' is usually all a website about blackjack strategy references. While it's important to understand the mathematical beauty of basic strategy, it's also important to consider other variables that can contribute to, or take away from, the overall bankroll you're walking away from the table with.
These concepts apply equally to both online blackjack and the land-based varieties,
as they are basically exactly the same game these days (see the online
blackjack page for more about this). So what are these concepts vital to a
good blackjack strategy? Let's have a look:
Bankroll management
Most people want to jump right into card counting, or some style of system. But you can't become a rich blackjack player counting cards if you don't know how to walk away from the table while you're up.
Managing your bankroll simply means paying attention to it, more formally than you might naturally. If you've defined an exact bankroll, when that money runs out, you wont go to the bank machine and get more. This is called a 'loss limit', meaning you know at which point you've lost enough to stop playing for the night. Many people don't like the idea of loss limits, thinking at the end of the night it's best to go for broke and try to make up what you've lost. In the long run though, it's better to simply know what you can afford to lose, and to not lose any more than that.
Loss limits are part of a two-sided strategy. The other side of course, is 'win
limits'. The concept of win limits is also foreign to many gamblers, simply because
it makes little sense to stop playing if you're on a win streak. This may be true,
but it's also true that every win streak must come to an end. If you're up a significant
amount you should walk away. What is a significant amount though? Obviously that
amount varies from player to player, but walking away with your bankroll 25% up
is usually considered a good night, very good in fact. Many experienced gamblers
will walk away happy with less.
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