Welcome to your home base for blackjack information, - We cover the basics, some advanced stuff, and also take the step of recommending where you can find good games online, both free and for real money. Though we might have a bit of a bias on the free games front, since we're fairly confident our own are among the best on the Internet.
Sit back and relax, if you're here to learn blackjack from the beginning, start in our basics section, and work your way along. If you want to learn something about a more advanced technique like card counting or shuffle tracking, poke around; you're sure to find something that interests you.
If you're like me and just want to be dealt a hand of blackjack, why not try our completely free game? We give you a realistic bankroll - meaning you can actually lose it, so play like you mean it! We also have a built in chat module if you want to say hello to the fellow players. To play our free blackjack game just click on the free games graphic and they will pop up in a new window.
If you want to play blackjack for real money online, our sponsoring casinos are
pain free, safe and secure (you've probably heard of some of them before), with
great sign up bonuses, and good customer support. But don't take our word for
it, try them out for yourself (here's a tip, give them a ring on the phone, it's
all toll free, and see if you can wrangle some extra bonuses out of the call center
people, sometimes they have that authority).
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